Sunday, August 3, 2008

Aginah's Healthy Hair Tips: TUNGUSKA BLAST!

Feel, and Live Healthier!

As you know, the quality of your blood, which feeds your hair, depends on your nutrition. Your crowning glory is largely attributed to the condition of your hair which, because of its fragile nature and constant exposure to poor circulation, medication, poor diet, menopause, stress factors, chlorine, sun, and tight braids damage, it deserves special care and attention.

TUNGUSKA BLAST is a powerful botanical formula that provides nutrition as unique and significant as increasing circulation in the scalp and stimulating hair growth. “Drinking just an ounce a day.” You wouldn't believe the results.

Take this test for yourself. The proof is in the pudding, Right? Look at your hair closely in the mirror. Touch it! If it looks and feels dry, brittle or damaged, and/or experiencing thinning and balding, your hair needs to be fed and nourished, not with junk food products, but with real health-giving food; found in this eye catching bottle bearing the name TUNGUSKA BLAST!

Have A Great Hair Day!

Cosmetologist, Author & filmmaker,
Aginah Carter-Shabazz
"Every choice has a consequence."
Tunguska Blast:


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