Friday, July 11, 2008

Aginah Shares a Special Recipe!

This month is the first launching of the Blog. Some of you are sistahfriends/sistahclients and have been close to my heart for over thirty years and longer. I can’t believe in that time I produced a documentary and authored the book "CHOICEZ" all while still doing hair. Time doesn’t wait for no one. I’m having fun sharing with you all!

Summer is here and it’s HOT!!!, so pour yourself a cold glass of lemonade, turn down the AC and relax with a good book “CHOICEZ”.

Here’s a little something a friend shared with me:

Recipe for "Bringing Closer to What I Want Ingredients":
1 cup of make peace with your past choices
2 cups Stress
1 1/2 teaspoons of no more Guilt
2 heaping cups of making better choices
3/4 tablespoon of Urgency
A dash of “me first”
3 heaping cups of Faith

Fold ingredients gently into a bowl. Mix vigorously and add a few tears. You’ll sweat a little as you knead the dough. Pack it firmly between your hopes and dreams and form into a perfect little ball. Sprinkle it with a little faith, rolling the ball in the flour until fully covered. Place it under a veil of belief and allow it to rise. Put it in an oven that has been pre-set at the perfect temperature for the heat of trials and tribulations. Allow it to brown under the warmth of closing the door to the past choices. Remove to see the brighter future and allow to cool in the confidence of making better choices. Garnish with glory to the creator. Arrange neatly on a platter of thankfulness and serve to friends, families and, oh don’t forget the men . . . invite them too!

"Every choice has a consequence."
Author & filmmaker,
Aginah Carter-Shabazz

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great recipe Aginah!
